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Jospeh Bertone Went Missing In Mckeesport Pennsylvania in June 1985


Last seen alive: June 15, 1985


Regarding what happened the night he disappeared the next month several theories emerged. At 10:00 p.m. June 17,1985, Bertone called his wife from the car phone in his Cadillac and told her he was going to stop off at Jordan’s trucking company in Duquesne before returning home with groceries. He called Rosa immediately thereafter and told Rosa to meet him at Jordan’s office. This is where things become hazy.

Rosa claims that when he arrived at Jordan’s office, he saw Bertone’s Cadillac being driven off the premises by someone he didn’t recognize and upon asking Jordan if he had seen Bertone at his office, Jordan denied Bertone was ever there. Jordan died in a truck accident in 1988. He told investigators and Bertone’s wife and daughter that Bertone was at his office that night but left after receiving a phone call.

Bertone’s new-model Caddy was discovered abandoned at a suburban motel parking lot on June 27, 1985. His widow Louise was summoned to Chucky Porter’s house and given $20,000 in cash. Rosa told authorities Porter and Chiarelli ordered Bertone dead and that Porter only gave his widow the money to avert suspicion away from him in her mind.

Speculation and assertions surrounding Rosa’s possible involvement in the Bertone murder are bolstered by allegations of Rosa’s own braggadocio. Pittsburgh mob associate-turned-informant Marvin (Babe) Droznek testified in court that Rosa bragged of killing Bertone and knowing where his body is buried. Droznek told jurors that rumors were swirling that Bertone’s days were numbered and that Porter had placed a contract on his head in the weeks leading up to him disappearing. Two Porter confidants spoke to Droznek of Porter issuing orders for Bertone to be killed during the first two weeks of June 1985.

Rosa allegedly told other underworld associates that he shot Bertone twice in the back of the head with a 9 millimeter pistol. When Rosa was arrested, FBI agents confiscated a 9 millimeter pistol from the house he shared with his aging grandfather Sica.

Johnny Vento, a Rosa drug courier, testified that he saw Rosa’s cousin, Anthony Bacco shoot Bertone to death in Jordan’s trucking company garage as Rosa looked on and that Rosa himself told him that he and Bacco took and buried Bertone’s body in the Westmoreland County town of Level Green. Per Vento’s testimony, Rosa said that Bertone was being clipped because he was “cheating people he shouldn’t be in drug deals.”

Babe Droznek cooperation, earned by the FBI in 1988, led to Rosa’s decision to join Team America the same year. U.S. Prosecutors believed that Chiarelli provided the murder weapon in Bertone’s slaying and Porter set it in motion – neither were convicted of the homicide counts in the RICO case. Under cross examination at trial in 1990, Rosa admitted to bragging about committing the Bertone murder, but explained he was lying to enhance his gangland standing.

First Name: Jospeh
Last Name: Bertone


Age When Last Known Alive: 50
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Mckeesport
State: Pennsylvania
County: Allegheny


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on abdomen, chest, left eye, upper lip
Tattoos: Tattoo right forearm
Skeletal Information: possible fracture of right hand

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: 10 & 24 inch gold rope necklace, 15 diamond ring-Joey INSC in diamonds on wedding bacnd


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