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Roger Frank Rotter Went Missing In Elk Grove Village Illinois in February 2018
 Actual photo Public viewable
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Last seen alive: February 28, 2018
Circumstances: Roger Rotter left home mid-afternoon on February 28, 2018, and did not bring any clothes or his medicine with him (used for mental health). Roger is not dangerous, and is likely to be confused and perhaps paranoid. Anyone that locates Roger should call the police and advise them that he is hearing impaired, has likely not taken his medication for days which could cause confusion and paranoia, and he should be treated with mental health issues in mind. First Name: Roger Frank Middle Name: Frank Last Name: Rotter
Age When Last Known Alive: 46 Race: White Sex: Male Height: 71.0 to Weight: 210.0 to
City: Elk Grove Village State: Illinois Zip: 60007 County: Cook
Hair: Brown Head Hair: Full head of hair - not balding. Body Hair: Regular body hair for adult male. Facial Hair: Regular body hair for adult male. Eye: Blue Scars And Marks: Scars on knees from ACL surgeries.
Clothing and Accessories
Eyewear: Glasses Accessories: None.
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