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Elaine Joyce Daley Went Missing In Darlington Pennsylvania in June 2016


Last seen alive: June 30, 2016

Circumstances: Elaine was staying with Ian Freed (Ian is a missing person as well)at the Crawfords Campground. The campground owners allowed them to stay in a Rv that attaches to a vehicle in exchange for work they did at the campground. When the owners daughter was not present at the campground Elaine and Ian would assume managing responsibilities. Elaine's son had a dispute with Ian due to Elaine relaying via a phone conversation that he had physically abused her which turned out to be false. In actuality Elaine was intoxicated, tried to physically assault Ian and he blocked her hands and she fell and hit her head on the RV. Elaine's son had confronted Ian about that dispute before realizing she had fabricated the assault accusation. After this conversation with Elaine's son it is understood that Ian and Elaine left the campground for undisclosed reasons. Ian's Dad has said the campground asked hem to leave to vacate the campground so they could rent their site it out. Ian and Elaine are believed to have transplanted to the trail on Watts Mill to pitch their tent. It's near the bridge and in the woods near a spring in Darlington, PA. In the last year of Elaine's son living with his mother they had lived at 25 different places (motels, friends, Campgrounds, a house on College Hill in Beaver Falls, PA). All addresses were in the Beaver Falls area in that last year and before that they lived in Boardman, Ohio. There has been zero communication from Elaine to any family member since they last heard of them living on the trail in Darlington, PA. That last communication was via text message to Michael.
First Name: Elaine Joyce
Middle Name: Joyce
Last Name: Daley


Age When Last Known Alive: 44
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 61.0 to
Weight: 100.0 to


City: Darlington
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 16115-1815
County: Beaver


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Below the shoulder length
Wavy hair
Sometimes wore bangs
Medium Thickness

Eye: Brown
Piercings: Ears were pierced more than once
One piercing on cartlidve of one ear
Belly Button formerly pierced

Finger And Toe Nails: Wore fingernails Polished and long
Toenails had fungus that caused them to tear apart
Sometimes polished her toenails

Other Distinctive: Elaine said she had cancer in her left leg and left foot had five tumors. Elaine would walk with a limp at times. Her leg would give out at times.
Skeletal Information: Broke both thumbs
Cracked ribs on different occasions
Broken Ankle

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Preferred Earthy Colors
Preferred baggy sweatpants
Long Sleeved Shirts
Wore a Bra around size 34
Wore hipster underwear
Ankle socks, designs preferred

Footwear: Sneakers
Small feet 6-7(?)

Jewelry: Necklace with Rose Quartz, silver in color, regular sized chain
Always wore Rose Quartz Crystals on a necklace or rings
Earrings hoops, studs

Eyewear: Wore sunglasses sometimes
Accessories: Carried her phone, money, ciggerettes (rolled her own or smoked camel or menthol), disposable lighter in her bra
Sometimes she carried a backpack that she lived out of


Walked or hitchhiker everywhere

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