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Ilsy Jacqueline Puac-alvarado Missing Person News and Details

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Ilsy Jacqueline Puac-alvarado Went Missing In Newport News Virginia in September 2014

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Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: September 25, 2014

Circumstances: On September 25, 2014, between 1200 hours and 1545 hours, Sandra Alvarado left the residence to visit the store. Upon returning home at 1545 hours, Ms. Alvarado discovered her daughter, Ilsy Jacqueline Puac-Alvarado, was no longer in the residence.

Ilsy was last seen wearing a knee length black short sleeve maternity dress with light blue ribbon.

Ilsy was wearing her hair in a pony tail, and has pierced ears, but was not wearing ear rings at the time Ms. Alvarado last saw her.

Ilsy was 8.5 months pregnant at the time of her departure, and is known to have given birth at a hospital in Harris County, Texas, on October 28, 2014.

First Name: Ilsy Jacqueline
Middle Name: Jacqueline
Last Name: Puac-alvarado


Age When Last Known Alive: 15
Race: White
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height: 72.0
Weight: 125.0


City: Newport News
State: Virginia
Zip: 23602
County: Newport News City


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Hair in a ponytail.
Eye: Brown
Piercings: Ears Pierced

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Knee Length Black Maternity Dress, with short sleeves.
Accessories: Light Blue Ribbons in Hair.


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