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Martha Sue Shelton Went Missing In Corbin Kentucky in May 1971

Facial/case ID



Last seen alive: May 28, 1971

Circumstances: On May 28, 1971, Claude Shelton and his wife Sue Shelton, left their residence at Gerry's trailer park on 18th street in Corbin, and never returned.

They left their residence, after putting their three kids to bed, apparently en route to King's truck stop, five miles away. This is according to their daughter who overheard them talking after going to bed.

The Shelton's presumably left in their vehicle, a white 1967 Ford Galaxie 500. None of the employees at King's remember seeing them. A witness stated that they had been saving money and had approx. $600.00. The daughter said they kept money in a bowl in the kitchen but it was never found.

Claude Shelton had been steadily employed for 10 years and, according to witnesses, both he and his wife were fond of their children and it is unlikely that they would leave them.

First Name: Martha Sue
Middle Name: Sue
Last Name: Shelton


Age When Last Known Alive: 27
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0 to
Weight: 125.0 to


City: Corbin
State: Kentucky
County: Whitley


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: light brown with natural lighter shades
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: 1 wedding band and another ring that was silver braided (like a rope) with a blue stone set in it


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Galaxie
Year: 1967
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Number: 937 944
Tag State: Kentucky
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