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Joseph Paul D'aquisto Sr Missing Person News and Details

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Joseph Paul D'aquisto Sr Went Missing In Asheville North Carolina in January 2002

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Last seen alive: January 11, 2002

Circumstances: BUNCOMBE COUNTY — Family members do not describe Joseph Paul D’ Aquisto Sr. as an impulsive man. That is why his daughter, Lissa, does not believe that her father left on his own, without telling anyone what he was doing or where he was going.

According to Lissa, Joseph left his home in Asheville on January 11, 2002, after he and his wife had a disagreement. He has not been seen or heard from since. Six months later, his truck was found in Tennessee off I-81 at a La Quinta. A security officer working there told Lissa the vehicle had been there for several months. She says her father knew the route well, using it to travel to New York when visiting relatives.

Lissa says it is too painful to speculate about what could have happened to her father. But Joseph was an avid photographer who always had his camera and the night he disappeared, both his wallet and camera were left behind. Lissa says that whatever happened to her father, it happened quickly. He would have never left his camera behind and in fact, he had plans to take it into work the next week to take photos.

First Name: Joseph Paul
Middle Name: Paul
Last Name: D'aquisto Sr


Age When Last Known Alive: 60
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0
Weight: 150.0


City: Asheville
State: North Carolina
County: Buncombe


Hair: Black
Head Hair: black/grey hair balding
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


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