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Donald Lee Izzett, Jr. Missing Person News and Details

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Donald Lee Izzett, Jr. Went Missing In Cumberland Maryland in May 1995

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 14, 1995

Circumstances: Donald Izett had been a student at Frostburg State University in Alleghany County, Maryland. He finished his freshman year in May 1995. Izett visited his mother in nearby Cumberland, Maryland on May 7, 1995. She last spoke with her son by telephone on May 14, 1995. Izett told his mother he was in Santa Monica, California. He indicated he wanted to return home.
A person using the name, Donald Izett, received a traffic citation in Buckeye, Arizona on May 22, 1995.
Izett was last heard from by a friend from San Francisco, California, in July 1995. Izett reportedly traveled throughout numerous different states, California, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida and Canada. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

First Name: Donald Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Izzett, Jr.


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 180.0


City: Cumberland
State: Maryland
County: Allegany


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Izzett may have a scar on his abdomen and a mole on his neck.
Skeletal Information: He previously fractured his left foot; the injury had healed by the time of his July 1995 disappearance.

Clothing and Accessories


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