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Joan Leigh Hall Missing Person News and Details

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Joan Leigh Hall Went Missing In Warrenton Oregon in September 1983

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Age progression

Age progression


Last seen alive: September 30, 1983

Circumstances: Hall was last seen shortly after 2 p.m . September 30, 1983, at the Warrenton Mini-Mart in downtown by a boy who gave her a ride from the high school. She told the boy she was going to buy a soft drink and walk the half-mile to Warrenton Grade School, where she helped her aunt, a third-grade teacher. She never showed up.
Police from several agencies found no sign of the teen, despite exhaustive searches and interviews, including following hunches from psychics. Authorities suspected foul play. Hall was reliable and had a good relationship with her parents, she always let them know where she was.
There is no reason to think she ran away. The night before her disappearance Hall had been elected the first female president of the Clatsop Co. Sheriff's Dept. Explorer Post.

First Name: Joan Leigh
Middle Name: Leigh
Last Name: Hall


Age When Last Known Alive: 17
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 110.0 to


City: Warrenton
State: Oregon
Zip: 97146
County: Clatsop


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short brown curly hair that had been sun lightened to h
Eye: Blue
Piercings: Pierced ears.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue jeans and green hooded sweatshirt and blue jacket.
Footwear: Maroon and white sneakers.
Jewelry: Ears were pierced but unknown if she was wearing earrings at time of disappearance.
Accessories: Carried blue and white backpack and brown purse.


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