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Rachel Marie Mellon-skemp Missing Person News and Details

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Rachel Marie Mellon-skemp Went Missing In Bolingbrook Illinois in January 1996

Facial/case ID

Actual photo

Actual photo

Age progression

Actual photo

Actual photo

Actual photo

Actual photo

Facial/case ID

Actual photo

Actual photo


Last seen alive: January 31, 1996

Circumstances: Rachel disappeared from her home on a frigid January 31st, 1996. She was home from school sick and was home. There has not been a trace of her since that fateful day.
First Name: Rachel Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Mellon-skemp


Age When Last Known Alive: 13
Race: Asian or Pacific Isl
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 70.0 to


City: Bolingbrook
State: Illinois
Zip: 60440
County: Will


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Rachel had short hair when she disappeared. She often h
Body Hair: none
Facial Hair: none
Eye: Hazel
Piercings: had both ears pierced

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Yellow sweatpants, pink

Footwear: red house slippers
Jewelry: none
Eyewear: none
Accessories: blue blanket was missing from bedroom


no vehicle missing
Airline: no tickets purchased
Bus: no tickets purchased

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