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Mark Skinner Clarke Went Missing In Tuckaseegee North Carolina in December 1983

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 01, 1983

Circumstances: Clarke became estranged from his family after joining the L'Abri Christian Fellowship of England in 1982. He began having problems with loved ones and some friends after joining the organization.
Clarke was last seen by his parents in January 1982. He also sought treatment for fatigue from a North Carolina doctor at that time. His parents last heard from him in January 1983.
Investigation by NC authorities showed that Clarke may have been placed on a plane by a member of the L'Abri Fellowship in early December 1983. He possibly flew to either Baltimore, Maryland or Washington DC. Clarke apparently then traveled to Asheville, NC by bus. He stayed in a motel while in the city on December 24, 1983.
Clarke then rented a car and drove to Tuckaseegee, NC with a friend. The two arrived in Atlanta, Georgia, at which time Clarke dropped the friend off and continued to Columbia, South Carolina to visit a friend.
He stayed with his friend for three days before returning to his hometown of Tuckaseegee, NC. Clarke's friends informed investigators that he did not want his parents to know that he was in Tuckaseegee during that time.
Clarke led a transient lifestyle. His family told the authorities that he did not possess any credit cards and paid for all purchases with cash.
There has been no sign of Clarke since December 1983. The friends he was in contact with told investigators they had not heard from since that time.

First Name: Mark Skinner
Middle Name: Skinner
Last Name: Clarke


Age When Last Known Alive: 29
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0
Weight: 155.0


City: Tuckaseegee
State: North Carolina
County: Jackson


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: had a previous neck injury, burn scar on his right knee

Clothing and Accessories


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