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Jimmy Nelson Davis Missing Person News and Details

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Jimmy Nelson Davis Went Missing In Dunn North Carolina in December 1987

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 25, 1987

Circumstances: Davis' boss dropped him off at his home off Spring Branch Road on Friday evening, November 17. When his boss came to pick him up the following Sunday evening, he was told by Davis' live-in girlfriend that she had last seen him at about 11 that morning, when he walked out of the trailer they shared.
The family and law enforcement searches over the years have produced no substantial results.
In the summer of 2006, the Dunn Police Department received a map with the location of the body of an alleged homicide victim. The map pinpoints the location as being close to the trailer park where Davis' used to live. This, and the name of 'Jimmy Davidic' on the map, have led to speculation that the map is in reference to Mr. Davis.
Ground penetrating radar and foot searches have been conducted in the area. Local and state law enforcement are involved in Mr. Davis' case.
His social security number has not been active since his disappearance.
Mr. Davis has had previous connections to South Carolina and Maryland.
He has left his home in the past for extended periods of time, but always stayed in touch with his family, attending significant events such as his Mother's birthday, and Mother's Day.
Foul play is suspected in his case.

First Name: Jimmy Nelson
Middle Name: Nelson
Last Name: Davis


Age When Last Known Alive: 44
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 180.0


City: Dunn
State: North Carolina
County: Harnett


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on left arm, scar on chest

Piercings: ears
Skeletal Information: corns/bunions on feet, has a tendecy to cut off bunions

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Jeans, yellow shirt
Footwear: tennis shoes or house slippers tops may be cut out because of bunions on feet


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