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Katherine Ann Jones Missing Person News and Details

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Katherine Ann Jones Went Missing In Clearfield Pennsylvania in September 1974

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: September 27, 1974

Circumstances: On September 27, 1974, Katherine Jones disappeared allegedly with a man to whom she reportedly said she was engaged. She left her four children from a previous marriage with a friend for safe keeping while she was away. The children never heard from their mother again. According to Jones' family, she never mentioned leaving the area to get married.
At the time of the initial investigation, however, family members told police they had received a note believed to have been from Kathy, saying she had left her children with a family because she had left to get married. The note also stated that Kathy would return in October for her four children. Family members told police they did no know who Kathy had been dating or with whom she had left the area.
An acquaintance of Kathy's told law enforcement officers that Kathy came to her home September 27, but never mentioned leaving town. The woman noted that Kathy did appear happy that day. She said a man with dark hair and a mustache driving a red Volkswagen pulled up to her house. Kathy put clothes from her car into his and the two drove away. A previously interviewed acquaintance told police in August 1976 that she was the one who had sent the two telegrams to Kathy's family and to Kathy's friend in charge of the children. She said she had sent the telegrams because Kathy had asked her to.
Foul play is feared. She was reported missing on October 14, 1974.

First Name: Katherine Ann
Middle Name: Ann
Last Name: Jones


Age When Last Known Alive: 29
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 50.0 to
Weight: 104.0 to


City: Clearfield
State: Pennsylvania
County: Clearfield


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: brown
Eye: Green

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Volkswagen
Vehicle Model: 113
Vehicle Color: Red

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