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Tracy Marie Kroh Missing Person News and Details

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Tracy Marie Kroh Went Missing In Millersburg Pennsylvania in August 1989

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Age progression


Last seen alive: August 05, 1989

Circumstances: Tracy Marie Kroh of Enterline was last seen at 10 p.m. on August. 5, 1989, at the Town Square in Millersburg, Pennsylvania, where her 1971 Mercury Comet with blue stripe, was found in the late afternoon of August 6, 1989. Police said she used a public telephone in Millersburg before her disappearance. She had stopped by her older sister's house earlier, at the Alex Acres Trailer Park off of Pennsylvania Route 147 in the late afternoon. No one was home but Tracy delivered several items, leaving them on the porch.
She was presumed headed to see a friend, whose parents lived a few blocks from the Millersburg square.
She left $300 in her bedroom and a $400 bank balance, leading police to conclude she had not run away.
Four years later, nine miles from the Millersburg square, a farmer in Washington Twp. found some of her personal belongings, including her driver's license and a National Honor Society card, along Wiconisco Creek. Police searched the area but turned up nothing.
Foul play is suspected.

First Name: Tracy Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Kroh


Age When Last Known Alive: 17
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 58.0
Weight: 82.0


City: Millersburg
State: Pennsylvania
County: Dauphin


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: brown
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: small mole on her chin.

Piercings: She has pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: A blue and white shirt with large flower print, blue shorts
Footwear: White canvas sneakers (size 4 1/2 to 5)
Accessories: She was carrying a small purse with thin straps and an image of a unicorn imprinted on the side. Her key ring featured an image of the cartoon character Roger Rabbit, also had a white gold class ring (class 1990, Halifax High School) with a white stone, had a Silver Timex Watch.


Vehicle Make: Mercury
Vehicle Model: Comet
Year: 1971
Vehicle Color: Blue
Car had a blue stripe

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