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Sonjah Nicole Kingston Missing Person News and Details

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Sonjah Nicole Kingston Went Missing In Greensboro North Carolina in July 2002

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: July 02, 2002

Circumstances: Was last seen on July 2, 2002 when she left her residence in Greensboro

Sonjah Nicole Kingston, known as Roxie, had been a dancer at a Greensboro strip club called Sugar Bares. She started running drugs and money for Turnbull after becoming sexually involved with him. She also recruited other strippers to work as couriers. In November 2001, Guilford County sheriff's deputies stopped Kingston and found more than a pound of cocaine in her car. Turnbull provided money to bail her out and hire a lawyer. He quit using Kingston as a courier after that, but confidential informants told federal agents that he continued seeing her and providing her with cash.

Kingston was facing a minimum of nearly six years in federal prison, but she could reduce her sentence by cooperating with authorities. Informants said that Turnbull feared that was her intention. A close associate of Turnbull told an informant that 'some of the girls who work for Elton just bring trouble on themselves,' and singled out Kingston as an example.

In July 2002, three months before Turnbull was arrested, Kingston's mother reported her missing. Sonjah Kingston was 27. She had last been seen driving away from her residence in her dark green Mazda. Another stripper told an informant that 'Sonjah disappeared' after she went with Turnbull 'to dig up some money or bury some money.'

First Name: Sonjah Nicole
Middle Name: Nicole
Last Name: Kingston


Age When Last Known Alive: 27
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Female
Height: 70.0
Weight: 150.0


City: Greensboro
State: North Carolina
County: Guilford


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Medium-length braided hair. Hair also described as shou
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: left cheek
Tattoos: Tattoos (unknown designs): Breast, right and left forearms, calf, right calf, left breast, left thigh, right buttock,
Piercings: tongue and lip
Other Distinctive: birth mark on leg (unknown which one or where)

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Shirt, sweatpants
Footwear: sneakers
Eyewear: contacts


Vehicle Make: Mazda
Vehicle Model: Protege
Vehicle Color: Dark green
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: PTL-7712
Tag State: North Carolina

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