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George Erick James Missing Person News and Details

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George Erick James Went Missing In Millbrook Alabama in November 1998

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Last seen alive: November 23, 1998

Circumstances: James was last seen in Montgomery, Alabama on November 23, 1998. He had an argument with his mother and left her home angrily. His car was found broken down on Interstate 65 near Evergreen, Alabama, over 80 miles from his mother's home, later that day. Witnesses say they saw James make a telephone call at a nearby convenience store. has never been heard from again. He was carrying somewhere between $6,000 and $14,000 in cash on him when he disappeared; a married girlfriend had allegedly given him the money so he could move away and start a new life.
Authorities initially believed James traveled to Florida or to Mobile, Alabama after his disappearance and sought work in the construction industry, but now he is considered a probable homicide victim. He has a criminal record and once served time in prison for burglary. His case remains unsolved.

First Name: George Erick
Middle Name: Erick
Last Name: James


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 170.0 to


City: Millbrook
State: Alabama
Zip: 36025
County: Elmore


Hair: Sandy
Head Hair: cropped
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: He has a lighthouse tattooed on his chest, a skull tattooed on the right side of his neck, the word 'Brick' tattooed on his right arm, and the name 'Robin' tattooed on the underside of his right forearm

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