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Timothy Jason Smart Missing Person News and Details

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Timothy Jason Smart Went Missing In Boling Spring Lake North Carolina in July 1995

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: July 15, 1995

Circumstances: Tim Smart was last seen in Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina on July 15, 1995. He is believed to have departed the area hitch-hiking about 7 a.m. to Lugoff, South Carolina where he was to undergo a job orientation on July 17, 1995. He had little or no money.
By occupation Smart is a long distance truck driver. Smart is an occasionally heavy drinker who frequents country and western bars. He loved Country Western music and was a good dancer, he was a cowboy and loved Rodeo, horses, and worked on a few cattle ranches in Montana.
Smart had been charged with DWI and was out on bond awaiting trial, according to his girlfriend, Smart had seemed optimistic when they last spoke, and eager to put the problem behind him.
He was born and went to school in California. He kept in close contact with his mom in California. He would call home about every two days and he kept in contact with his girlfriend in North Dakota

First Name: Timothy Jason
Middle Name: Jason
Last Name: Smart


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 170.0


City: Boling Spring Lake
State: North Carolina
County: Brunswick


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short thick wavy hair
Body Hair: May wear a mustache.

Facial Hair: May wear a mustache.

Eye: Hazel

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: He always dressed in western jeans, western shirts
Footwear: Boots
Jewelry: Large Rodeo-style belt
Accessories: Cowboy hat or baseball cap


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