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Diane Marie Kennedy Missing Person News and Details

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Diane Marie Kennedy Went Missing In Waynesville North Carolina in December 1996

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 31, 1996

Circumstances: Kennedy was last seen at approximately 10:00 pm, when she walked away from her Waynesville home on December 31, 1996.
Kennedy has worked in the Dental field as a technician for most of her working career. She has lived in Massachusetts, Connecticut and North Carolina and has relatives in Florida and California.

First Name: Diane Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Kennedy


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 59.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Waynesville
State: North Carolina
County: Haywood


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: shoulder length
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: She has a scar upper middle forehead; hole type indentation mark at the base of her throat.
Birthmark scar on neck near Adam's Apple.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: gray wool winter jacket, blue, gray, or black jeans,
Footwear: Tan winter boots
Eyewear: prescription glasses
Accessories: small black duffel bag with red straps


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December 23 2012
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