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Derrick Ray Henagan Missing Person News and Details

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Derrick Ray Henagan Went Missing In Mcmillan Michigan in August 2008

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: August 04, 2008

Circumstances: Derrick has not been seen since August 4, 2008, when he went missing in the Newberry area in the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

At the time of his disappearance—which is considered suspicious—he was living in a residence along North Manistique Lake Road, south of the village of McMillan and just west of East Lake.

According to witness accounts, he was last seen walking into the bush across from a neighbor's house.

He was reportedly planning on meeting a female friend at a prearranged location in the woods.

When she arrived at the location, Derrick was nowhere to be found. He has not been heard from or seen since.

Derrick has a long history of car sales.

First Name: Derrick Ray
Middle Name: Ray
Last Name: Henagan


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 170.0


City: Mcmillan
State: Michigan
County: Luce


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short, spikey
Eye: Brown
Deformities: Fractured vertebrae in neck
Fractured & deformed index, middle,
and ring fingers on right hand
Fractured & deformed right thumb
Bone lumps near each eyebrow
Bone lump on center of rear of head

Scars And Marks: Scar on lower right side of torso from
from appendix surgery
Right thumb heavily scarred
3 fingers on right hand (index, middle,
ring) heavily scarred from being
severed and reattached
May be a scar on 'Rayce + Dy' tribal
tattoo on upper left arm
4-6' scar on shin, unknown which leg

Tattoos: Tribal tattoo on upper right arm
Tribal tattoo on upper left arm
with words 'Rayce + Dy'
5-6' wizard tattoo on left side of back

Piercings: Left nipple pierced
Left and right ears pierced

Finger And Toe Nails: Bunions and spurs on both big toes
Callouses and spurs on both heels

Skeletal Information: Fractured vertebrae in neck
Fractured & deformed index, middle,
and ring fingers on right hand
Fractured & deformed right thumb
Bone lumps near each eyebrow
Bone lump on center of rear of head

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Size medium, black, cotton, Monster T-shirt; sleeves cut off; green exaggerated'M' (for Monster Racing) on front left side

Shorts: Size medium to large, elastic waistband, breathable nylon, knee-length, Nike© brand, basketball-style shorts

Socks: Size 10-11, ankle-high, white, cotton socks

Underwear:33-34 Boxer type, may have been Fruit-of-the-Loom

Footwear: Size 10-11, white, Skechers© gym shoes with Skechers© logo
Jewelry: Silver wedding-band-like ring
Unknown if piercing jewelry worn

Eyewear: Did not have newly-acquired prescription glasses on his person
Accessories: Probably did not have cigarettes at time he went missing; if he had them, they would have been either Marlboro-brand cigarettes or roll-your-own Bugler-brand tobacco and rolling paper & BIC-brand butane lighter


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