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Walter David Brawner Missing Person News and Details

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Walter David Brawner Went Missing In Shepherd Texas in June 2008


Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: June 10, 2008

Circumstances: Two of Mr Brawner's children had stopped by to visit him for Father's Day in 2008. Mr. Brawner's vehicle was in the driveway, but there was no response at the door. The adult children went to a neighbor who had a key that allowed them entry into their father's home. Mr. Brawner was not there. The children became suspicious of the neighbor upon asking some questions and called the local authorities and reported their father missing. Mr. Brawner has not been found to date. Foul play is suspected and the neighbor is a person of interest in this case.
First Name: Walter David
Middle Name: David
Last Name: Brawner


Age When Last Known Alive: 67
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 120.0 to


City: Shepherd
State: Texas
County: San Jacinto


Hair: Unknown or Completely Bald
Eye: Blue
Deformities: Due to Osteomylitis as a child one leg and one foot are shorter/smaller than the other, and scarred, causing him to limp.
Scars And Marks: Scar down Rt leg from surgery as a child.
Birthmark on the back of one of his legs - brown in color - about the size of a nickle.
He has a large scar on one hand from getting his hand caught in a drill press and it nearly tearing off his ring finger and middle finger on that hand.

Scar on one side of his neck from having surgery due to blocked artery.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Usually jeans with a plaid western style shirt with pearl snaps.
Footwear: Possibly black velcro tennis shoes
Jewelry: Possibly a watch.
Eyewear: Wore glasses.


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