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Brian Eric Carlstrom Missing Person News and Details

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Brian Eric Carlstrom Went Missing In Silver Lakes California in August 1986

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID



Last seen alive: August 09, 1986

Circumstances: Brian Eric Carlstrom was 26 years of age when last seen in 1986. He is described as a White male, 6’, 190-200 lbs, Blonde hair with full beard, blue eyes (wears prescription glasses), with burn scars on arms, torso, and neck. Although he was a resident of Colton, CA, he was staying at a friend’s house in Silver Lakes (near Helendale, CA). He left this location on the morning of August 9, 1986, intending to travel to the Las Vegas area. There was no further contact. Investigation revealed a possible sighting of Carlstrom by employees of the Saddle West Casino in Pahrump, NV, probably on the evening of August 9th. On September 14, 1986, Carlstrom’s vehicle was found abandoned in a remote desert area 20 miles north of Pahrump.

Fingerprints on file with San Bernardino County Sheriff CAL-ID Section (909-890-5000). Refer to CAL-ID #360056050.
Dental chart and X-rays available at CA DOJ-MUPS (
DNA (CODIS) available (Multiple DNA profiles may be on file) - Refer to MP-09-000171.

First Name: Brian Eric
Middle Name: Eric
Last Name: Carlstrom


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 190.0 to


City: Silver Lakes
State: California
Zip: 92342
County: San Bernardino


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Described as having 80% burn scars: Particularly both of his arms, his upper torso and on the right side of his neck.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Possibly ws wearing denim pants and a light colored shirt
Footwear: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Eyewear: Prescription glasses
Accessories: Unknown


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: F250
Year: 1978
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: White and Maroo
On September 14, 1986, Carlstrom’s vehicle, a 1978 Ford F250 pickup, was found abandoned in a remote desert area 20 miles north of Pahrump.

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