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Valerie Ann Larkin Missing Person News and Details

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Valerie Ann Larkin Went Missing In Needles California in February 1985

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: February 01, 1985

Circumstances: Very little is known about the disappearance of Larkin. She was 38 years old when she left her home and headed to Virginia by bus sometime between February and May 1985. Valerie made it to Needles and somehow lost all her money and her bus ticket. She called her parents for help and they wired her money to continue on her journey. There was no other contact with her after that. She is described as 5'2', 120 lbs, with brown hair and hazel eyes. Her teeth were in poor condition. She had a large chip in one or both of her upper front teeth that had not been corrected. She had a slight overbite.

Dental records and fingerprints have not been located.
DNA profile available CA DOJ-DNA State Lab. Refer to MP-08-0260.
(DNA profile may not be uploaded into CODIS – one donor mtDNA only)

First Name: Valerie Ann
Middle Name: Ann
Last Name: Larkin


Age When Last Known Alive: 38
Race: Other
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 120.0


City: Needles
State: California
Zip: 92363
County: San Bernardino


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short to medium length brown hair.
Eye: Hazel

Clothing and Accessories


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