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Ron Walter Knutson Missing Person News and Details

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Ron Walter Knutson Went Missing In Morongo Valley California in December 1982

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 18, 1982

Circumstances: Knutson was last seen December 21, 1982, in Morongo Valley, California. He was a member of the Mescaleros Motorcycle gang. Foul play is suspected. He is described as a 26 year old, white male, 5'10', 170 lbs. with long, shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes. He had a mustache at the time of his disappearance. His nickname is 'Dane'. He had multiple tattoos including, but not limited to, a tattoo on the upper right arm: 'Ride to live, Live to ride' and a tattoo on upper left arm: 'Dane'. Dental chart and X-rays available at CA DOJ-MUPS ( Family reference DNA samples were submitted to CA DOJ DNA Lab in May 2011.
First Name: Ron Walter
Middle Name: Walter
Last Name: Knutson


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 175.0


City: Morongo Valley
State: California
Zip: 92256
County: San Bernardino


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: His hair was dark brown and shoulder length.
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Tattoo on upper right arm: 'Ride to live, Live to ride' Tattoo on upper left arm: 'Dane'
Tattoo on bicep of dragons with birds and men's head.
Multiple other tattoos on arms and back.

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: He was known to wear multiple rings.
Eyewear: He wore glasses


Vehicle Make: Dodge
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Vehicle Color: Blue
Dark tinted windows, mags, rear tires larger than the front tires, and the rear end slightly jacked-up. CB radio. Later recovered in the Los Angeles area.

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