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Randy Charles Spring Missing Person News and Details

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Randy Charles Spring Went Missing In White Water California in October 1988

Facial/case ID

Age progression

Facial/case ID

Age progression


Last seen alive: October 10, 1988 at 21:58

Circumstances: Randy was dropped off by mother Oct 10,1988 approx 630am at I-10 and the Whitewater, CA exit to go hiking and camping for a few days (Tipton and Whitewater Roads). He had his Army back pack containing some food in tupperware. Randy said was going hiking in the San Jacinto moutains. He was never seen or heard from again.
Searches by law enforcement and private sources resulted in no trace found. Randy had survival training in the Army and worked for California Dept of Forestry. He was also a volunteer firefighter for Bostonia CA fire dept.

First Name: Randy Charles
Middle Name: Charles
Last Name: Spring


Age When Last Known Alive: 28
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: White Water
State: California
Zip: 92282
County: Riverside


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blond collar-length hair
Eye: Green

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Wear Blue T-shirt, camouflage pants, army green jacket and carrying a army green duffle bag


Vehicle Make: Nissan
Vehicle Model: Truck
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag State: California
Expiration Year: 1988
Truck was total by drunk driver Sept 1988 and sold approx first of 1989

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