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Melissa Lynn Eck Missing Person News and Details

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Melissa Lynn Eck Went Missing In Pensacola Florida in June 1992

Facial/case ID

Age progression


Last seen alive: June 25, 1992

Circumstances: Melissa was last seen leaving her boyfriend's residence in Pensacola, Florida on June 25, 1992.
First Name: Melissa Lynn
Middle Name: Lynn
Last Name: Eck


Age When Last Known Alive: 15
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 110.0


City: Pensacola
State: Florida
County: Escambia


Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Piercings: pierced ears
Finger And Toe Nails: always had polish on them, basic colors
Other Distinctive: a BB from a BB gun is in imbedded in one of her buttocks. Doctor who treated her 'froze' the BB in place
Foreign Objects: a BB from a BB gun is in imbedded in one of her buttocks. Doctor who treated her 'froze' the BB in place

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: possibly wearing a black tank top and black shorts
Jewelry: normally wore hoop-style earrings, hoop style bracelets and a variety of necklaces
Accessories: her purse that she normally carried with her was left at an acquaintance's house


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