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Alison Thresher Went Missing In Bethesda Maryland in May 2000

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 24, 2000

Circumstances: Thresher had dinner with her parents during the evening of May 23, 2000 in her hometown of Bethesda, Maryland. She returned to her residence in Sumner Highlands Apartments in the 4500 block of Sangamore Road later that night. Thresher spoke to an acquaintance on the telephone at approximately 10:00 PM and e-mailed her employer at 12:00 AM on May 24. Thresher has not been heard from since.

Thresher was scheduled to begin a new position as a copy editor for The Washington Post's Web site on the day she disappeared. Her family has stated that she was excited about the job and it is very uncharacteristic of her to leave without warning.

Thresher's copper-colored 1997 Volvo station wagon was discovered abandoned on May 25, one day after her disappearance.Thresher's vehicle was parked on the corner of Ridge Drive and Broad Street near the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the Glen Echo area, which is several miles from her apartment. There was no sign of her at the scene and an extensive search of the surrounding areas produced no clues as to Thresher's whereabouts. Her wallet and keys were not discovered inside her car and investigators presume that Thresher had the items in her possession when she disappeared. Investigators released a composite image of an unidentified man spotted near Thresher's apartment complex during March and April 2000. The individual has not been named a suspect, but authorities would like to identify him and question him about Thresher's case. He may have spoken to her prior to her disappearance. The man is described as possibly being of Hispanic descent and 48 - 50 years old in 2000. He is 5'4 with black hair and was clean-shaven at the time. The individual may be driving a 1990 four-door white sedan.

Thresher's family elected to declare her legally deceased in February 2001. Her sister took control of Thresher's retirement funds and established a trust for Thresher's children's educations. Thresher's former husband was granted custody of their two children.

A $647.08 check was mysteriously deposited into Thresher's bank account in April 2002. The check had been issued in her name by the Maryland Department Of Human Resources in March 2000. The amount reflected child support collected by agency from Thresher's former husband. The check was deposited in the night depository box of a bank in Alexandria, Virginia. Authorities are investigating any connection the check may have to Thresher's disappearance

First Name: Alison
Last Name: Thresher


Age When Last Known Alive: 45
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 110.0 to


City: Bethesda
State: Maryland
County: Montgomery


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Thresher's hair was
turning white in 2000.

Eye: Blue
Piercings: Pierced ears.

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: She wears eyeglasses


Vehicle Make: Volvo
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Year: 1997
Vehicle Color: Copper
vehicle recovered on May 25, 2000

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