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Stacey Jane Morrison Missing Person News and Details

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Stacey Jane Morrison Went Missing In Peoria Illinois in May 1993

Actual photo

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 20, 1993

Circumstances: Morrison had been imprisoned for prostitution during the evening of May 20, 1993 in Peoria, Illinois.
She was released from jail later that evening and planned to spend the night at the YWCA in the 300 block of northeast Jefferson Avenue. Morrison could not enter the shelter until 10:00 PM.
An individual had threatened her with death if she did not earn money as a prostitute. She feared that the person would locate her while she waited for a room at the YWCA.
Morrison was scheduled to phone her family the following day, but she never did.

Morrison is one of several missing women from the Peoria area; others include Loretta Tinkham, Cheryl Murray and Stephanie C. Gibson .

Arlie Ray Davis, a former Peorian who was sentenced to death for one murder but was suspected of more, died five days before a hearing on whether he should remain on death row.

First Name: Stacey Jane
Middle Name: Jane
Last Name: Morrison


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 130.0 to


City: Peoria
State: Illinois
County: Tazewell


Hair: Red/Auburn
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: She has facial acne scars. Morrison has a scar on her upper right leg. She has a strawberry birthmark at the base of her neck and a Cesarean section scar on her abdomen
Piercings: Both ears pierced.
Other Distinctive: wide set eyes, lazy left eye

Clothing and Accessories

Footwear: gym shoes
Eyewear: She wears eyeglasses


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