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Nancy Wroblewski Missing Person News and Details

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Nancy Wroblewski Went Missing In South Bend Indiana in December 1990

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 09, 1990

Circumstances: Nancy Wroblewski disappeared on December 9, 1990 after leaving a church function at Corpus Christi in South Bend with her husband. The night she disappeared, witnesses at the church say she was visibly upset.
Police say the couple returned to their home on Kessler and apparently got into an argument. Her husband told police his wife packed a bag and walked out telling him to take care of the children.
Nancy's husband told police his wife had requested a divorce eight months earlier and that is when she began acting strange.
The next morning family members found her empty van at the South Bend Regional Airport but there was no sign of Nancy. No tickets had been purchased in her name.
There has been no sign of her since and police now fear that she may have been the victim of foul play

First Name: Nancy
Last Name: Wroblewski


Age When Last Known Alive: 38
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 58.0 to
Weight: 140.0 to


City: South Bend
State: Indiana
County: St. Joseph


Hair: Brown
Eye: Gray
Scars And Marks: Scar on right ankle, scar on upper lip. Freckles

Clothing and Accessories


The next morning family members found her empty van at the South Bend Regional Airport

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Recent Comments About This Profile
L: Why hasent Nancy Wroblewskis husband been arrested for her murder yet? Dosent she have any family actively advocating for her? Come on body dosent mean no crime anymore.
07 23, 2013 | 16:34
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