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David Edward Williams Missing Person News and Details

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David Edward Williams Went Missing In New Lisbon New Jersey in April 1975

Actual photo

Age progression


Last seen alive: April 07, 1975 at 14:48

Circumstances: David Williams was last seen leaving the New Lisbon State School off of State Highway #72 in New Lisbon, New Jersey. He was in the company of another male child.
First Name: David Edward
Middle Name: Edward
Last Name: Williams


Age When Last Known Alive: 12
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 61.0
Weight: 113.0


City: New Lisbon
State: New Jersey
Zip: 08064
County: Burlington


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Skeletal Information: According to General Transfer Memorandum from Hunterdon State School, New jersey, Dr. George A. Maggio, Medical Director examined Mr. David Williams on 1/08/1974 with a Pathological fracture of left femur.

According to a hunterdon State School, Clinton, New Jersey X-ray request dated 3/25/1974, Dr. Robert B. Jeffrey reported: 'A film of the bony pelvis to include both hip joints shows an apparent operative defect along the wing and super acetabular aspect of teh right ilium. We also note apparent periosteal new bone formation along the upper shaft of the right femur.'

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Small blue corduroy jacket, striped pants, dark polo shirt.
Accessories: 'Wears seizure helmet, had on when he left' according to A.W.P. information sheet competed on 4/7/1975, the date of Mr. David Williams' disappearance.


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