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Edward S Dubbs Missing Person News and Details

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Edward S Dubbs Went Missing In Newtown Connecticut in June 1981

Actual photo

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Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: June 09, 1981

Circumstances: Edward Dubbs was last seen at his place of employment (Hayes Williams, Inc. which is a Public Relations Firm located at 261 Madison Ave. NY, NY) on Tuesday, June 09, 1981 at approximately 5:05pm. Mr. Dubbs did not show up to work the following day. His employer found this to be very unusual, so he contacted Newtown Police Department. A check of his residence showed that the home was secure and no vehicle or persons were present. A search of the interior of the home indicated that Mr. Dubbs did not return home on June 09, 1981. Mr. Dubbs was reportedly about to break off his relationship with his live-in lover.
First Name: Edward S
Middle Name: S
Last Name: Dubbs


Age When Last Known Alive: 44
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Newtown
State: Connecticut
Zip: 06470
County: Fairfield


Hair: Sandy
Head Hair: Hair is described as being sandy blonde in color.
Mr. Dubbs had a full head of hair. His hair covered his ears and forehead but stopped just above his shirt collar.

Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Mr. Dubbs was last seen wearing a beige silk business suit.
Jewelry: Mr. Dubbs was last seen wearing a gold Timex digital watch.
Eyewear: Mr. Dubbs wore eyeglasses on occassion.


Vehicle Make: Mercury
Vehicle Model: Zephyr
Year: 1978
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: PB3985
Tag State: Connecticut
Expiration Year: 1981
Mr. Dubbs was known to take the CONRAIL Commuter Train out of Grand Central Station (NYC) to the West Redding RR Station or the Bethel RR Station - both in Western Connecticut, when going to and from work. Mr. Dubbs frequented the 'bar car' which served alcoholic beverages.

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