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Tony Gene Day Missing Person News and Details

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Tony Gene Day Went Missing In Harrah Oklahoma in December 2009

Actual photo

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 03, 2009 at 06:15

Circumstances: left for work on 12-3-09 didn't show up for work or come home that evening. A g.p.s locator located his truck in wooded area near nw 63rd and hinney road. apprx. 15 miles from his home.
First Name: Tony Gene
Middle Name: Gene
Last Name: Day


Age When Last Known Alive: 45
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 60.0
Weight: 195.0


City: Harrah
State: Oklahoma
Zip: 73045
County: Oklahoma


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: full head of hair kept short and neat
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: left arm: Harley Davidson symbol with the name Lori above it. right arm: Woody Woodpecker head is a NASCAR tribute to a driver
Skeletal Information: Broken right arm at age 12

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: wrangler denim jeans. navy blue tee shirt with company logo Kimray with shortsleeve demin shirt with company Kimray. Black Kimray jacket with gray lining.
Footwear: brown lace up workbooks
Jewelry: right ring finger: Harley Davidson ring.
left ring finger: tungsten steel wedding band
left arm: gold watch

Eyewear: reading glasses


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Suburban
Year: 1997
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: Red
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag State: Oklahoma
Expiration Year: 2009
His pickup truck was found Thursday night near a filed in northeast Oklahoma City and a GPS tracking device indicates it was parked there about 6 a.m. Thursday. Investigators said they tracked his Kim-Ray truck with GPS and found it in the field that was not part of his regular route. They said they know the vehicle made a 4-minute stop at Harrah and Britton roads.

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