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Ronald Earl Bonner Jr. Went Missing In Biggs California in September 2006

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID






Last seen alive: September 20, 2006 at 16:34

Circumstances: Bonner was last seen at approximately 9:30 p.m. on September 20, 2006 at his residence in the vicinity of the 3000 block of 3rd Street in Biggs, California. He has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case.

First Name: Ronald Earl
Middle Name: Earl
Last Name: Bonner Jr.


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0
Weight: 180.0


City: Biggs
State: California
County: Butte


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown, some blonde.
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: appendectomy scar.
Tattoos: Tattoos: 'honor' across knuckles of left hand, 'love' across knuckles of right hand, the letters 'R A F' on abdomen above navel, tribal art on back of neck, the name 'Bonner' across upper back, the words 'RIP REB' on left forearm, large tribal tattoo on back of right leg, the name 'Becky' on inner side of left leg, ring tattooed on left ring finger, the letter 'B' on upper right chest, the letter 'C' on upper left chest, initials on upper abdomen, numerous other tattoos on body.
Piercings: Two half hoop earrings in each ear. Pierced lip.

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: Two half hoop earrings.


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Caleb Lambert: **UPDATE**: M/P Found -Deceased. Ronald was found deceased on Monday, Nov. 12th, 2012, just over six years after his disappearance from Biggs, CA on Sept. 20th, 2006. His skeletal remains were found & recovered behind a tribal casino in south Oroville, Ca (7 miles East of his residence/place last seen). The remains were found in some scrub/brush lands directly behind the casino on Monday by a rancheria worker clearing excess scrub brush. No further details from Butte Co Sheriff's Dept at this time as to cause and manner of death - forensic autopsy pending. R.I.P. Ronald.
11 15, 2012 | 21:37
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