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Cherryl Lamont Pearson Missing Person News and Details

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Cherryl Lamont Pearson Went Missing In Bartlett Tennessee in January 2002

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: January 05, 2002

Circumstances: Cherryl Lamont Pearson was last seen at her Bartlett, Tennessee, residence by friends at approximately 1 a.m. on January 5, 2002. Her vehicle was later located at an apartment complex near her residence on January 7, 2002.
First Name: Cherryl Lamont
Middle Name: LAMONT
Last Name: Pearson


Age When Last Known Alive: 37
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0 to
Weight: 160.0


City: Bartlett
State: Tennessee
County: Shelby


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: long dark birthmark on the side of her face
Piercings: both ears

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Audi
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Year: 2001
Vehicle Color: Dark blue
Her vehicle was later located at an apartment complex near her residence on January 7, 2002.

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Recent Comments About This Profile
lynnlynn: The United States Gov., the Masons, the Satanists, the greys, the alien race upon the earth know where Cherryl Pearson is located. The truth is just the truth, all of the clues point to the Masons, the alien race here with the morpheme of the Pyramid which relates to the then earth god Isis, Osirius, Neb, Nut, Geb etc. Her car was found near an apartment complex off of Egypt Central. Egypt is represented by Memphis, Egypt city of the dead. Audi is a german car and german relate to the Nazi Zionist third Reich. She is a pediatrician and with the sacrificing and human farming she would be needed for them and the truth shall set us all free one day to the happenings upon this planet. Her face is the shape of the alien race upon this planet that has been trying to murder me too.
02 06, 2013 | 17:48
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