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Wade Andrew Borthwick Missing Person News and Details

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Wade Andrew Borthwick Went Missing In Redding California in February 2003

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: February 15, 2003 at 18:11

Circumstances: Unknown. Wade last contacted family from Redding, CA. It is possible that he may have traveled to Oregon or Southern California. Wade has a medical condition.
First Name: Wade Andrew
Middle Name: Andrew
Last Name: Borthwick


Age When Last Known Alive: 45
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Redding
State: California
County: Shasta


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Lt. Brown, with graying, curly.
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Brown vertical 2' long by 1' wide irregularly shaped flat birthmark on backside of upper left shoulder. vertical scar on inner forearm.
Skeletal Information: previously fractured right hand, right foot, and ankle

Clothing and Accessories


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