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Alicia Anne Digna Missing Person News and Details

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Alicia Anne Digna Went Missing In Romulus Michigan in August 2008

Actual photo

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: August 27, 2008 at 18:42

Circumstances: Last seen driving her Maroon 1992 Grand Am in Romulus, MI. Car was recovered on the east side of Detroit.
First Name: Alicia Anne
Middle Name: Anne
Last Name: Digna


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 130.0 to


City: Romulus
State: Michigan
Zip: 48174
County: Wayne


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Dark Brown
Body Hair: same
Facial Hair: same
Eye: Blue
Deformities: left arm bone abnormal with right arm having a correction plate, left only slightly noticable
Scars And Marks: several surgical . She has a large surgical scar on her right wrist includig a drill hole due to brain surgery. Large surgical scars one on stomach from above waist to below pelvic bone, one above waist below lumbar/sacral,on back both surgical from previoue double tumor removal.
Tattoos: right shoulder ('Property of Charley Davidson' tattoo on her right shoulder)very new tattoo high up and far to the right. has flowers?
I only have a partial picture

Piercings: both ears
Skeletal Information: spinal tumor in main lumbar/sacral nerve several surgerys involved right and left wrist areas deformities minor changes Titianum Plate in her right arm/wrist right wrist has metal plate. (Titianum Plate in her right arm/wrist

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: last seen wearig black jean shorts and white shirt
Eyewear: she wears glasses but I don't beleive she had them with her


Vehicle Make: Pontiac
Vehicle Model: Grand Am
Year: 1998
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Burgundy/Maroon
Tag State: Michigan
Expiration Year: 2009
her car was found abandoned a week after she was last seen
Airline: none known
Bus: none known

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