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Veronica - Lenhart Safranski Missing Person News and Details

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Veronica - Lenhart Safranski Went Missing In Warren Minnesota in October 1996

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: October 26, 1996 at 18:52

First Name: Veronica - Lenhart
Middle Name: Lenhart
Last Name: Safranski


Age When Last Known Alive: 40
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0
Weight: 105.0


City: Warren
State: Minnesota
Zip: 56762
County: Marshall


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: American Indian Halloween costume.
Jewelry: Wearing 'Mary Kay' brand ring with diamonds in the shape of an 'S.'


Vehicle Make: Dodge
Vehicle Model: Power Ram
Year: 1977
Style: Wagon
It has been reported that Voni allegedly left with a man driving a black, 1977 Dodge Power Wagon pickup truck.

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