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Kenneth Harker Went Missing In Sioux City Iowa in January 1996

Actual photo

Actual photo


Last seen alive: January 05, 1996

Circumstances: Harker was last seen in Sioux City, Iowa on or about October 5, 1996.
On this date, Harker's 1977 white Chevy Suburban was tagged as an abandoned vehicle by the Plymouth County Sheriff's Office while parked on a gravel road (K-42). Its doors were open, tires were flat and it was out of gas. A search of Harker's residence on Colon Street turned up no clues as to his whereabouts.
Harker's mother reported him missing on October 9, 1996. His dog was left at his house, and it hadn't been fed in four or five days, and he had left behind his medicine.
Harker's family are convinced Kenny didn't get disoriented and wander off and die due to exposure, because someone out mushroom hunting or a farmer or another individual would have found him by now. And, Kenny's close attachment to friends and family kept him from wanting to live elsewhere.
Foul play is suspected.

First Name: Kenneth
Last Name: Harker


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Sioux City
State: Iowa
County: Sioux


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: He has a scar above both eyebrows.

Clothing and Accessories


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