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Ylva Hagner Missing Person News and Details

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Ylva Hagner Went Missing In Belmont California in October 1996

Actual photo

Actual photo


Last seen alive: October 14, 1996 at 21:30

Circumstances: Hagner was last seen at her place of employment at 1070 Sixth Ave. Suite 200 in Belmont, CA on Monday, October 14, 1996 at 9:30 PM. Hagner was living in Palo Alto and attending Stanford University at the time of her disappearance. Close friends and fellow workers believe that Hagner's disappearance is unusual and out of character.
A witness recognized her black 1992 Honda Civic (CA License# Plate 2BBS966) after viewing a television news report. The vehicle was located Friday, October 17, 1996, abandoned, just south of Belmont and the San Carlos border. It was at the corner of El Camino Real and Spring Street in front of Days Inn, a small motel.
Law enforcement agencies intensified their search. Bloodhounds were brought in by the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department in an attempt to expand their leads. The FBI assigned a forensic team for tests on Ms. Hagner's vehicle. Also intensive questioning was conducted by investigators of her friends, colleagues and casual acquaintances. No information on her whereabouts was learned.
Fair complexion. Swedishnaccent.

First Name: Ylva
Last Name: Hagner


Age When Last Known Alive: 42
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 110.0


City: Belmont
State: California
County: San Mateo


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Red, very long, past her shoulders.
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Honda
Vehicle Model: Civic, Civic De
Year: 1992
Vehicle Color: Black
Tag Number: 2BBS966
Tag State: California
The vehicle was located Friday, October 17, 1996, abandoned, just south of Belmont and the San Carlos border. It was at the corner of El Camino Real and Spring Street in front of Days Inn, a small motel.

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