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Michelle Houchman Went Missing In Northridge California in October 1982

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: October 12, 1982 at 18:17

Circumstances: Houchman was last seen at home with her family, who are also reported missing. Also missing is her step father, Sol Salomon, mother, Elaine Salomon, and younger brother, Mitchel Salomon (MP# 10411). The family was last seen on October 12, 1982, in Los Angeles, CA. The child's step father, Sol Salamon, is from Israel and lived on Lassen Street at the time.
Prosecutors had theorized that a suspect killed Sol Saloman after arguing with him over $20,000 Salomon had invested in the suspects car business in Reseda. They accused the suspect of going to the Salomon home to kill Elaine Salomon and the children, who knew the two men had been together that night at an auto show.
Authorities discovered small splatters of blood in one room of the Salomon family's residence. Some of the Salomons' passports, wallets and photos were discovered scattered along the Antelope Valley Freeway near Acton, California on October 17, 1982.
The suspect was arrested for the family's murders in August 1988. The evidence against him was circumstantial.
The case ended in two mistrials before the suspect was acquitted of any involvement in July 1992.
He is also a suspect in the 1982 disappearance and presumed deaths of Peter and Joan Davis of Granada Hills and Ron Adeeb of Burbank. Authorities believe all the cases stemmed from business disputes. He has never been charged in these cases due to a lack of evidence.

First Name: Michelle
Last Name: Houchman


Age When Last Known Alive: 15
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 68.0
Weight: 103.0


City: Northridge
State: California
County: Los Angeles


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


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