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Deandre Nativoni Brown Missing Person News and Details

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Deandre Nativoni Brown Went Missing In Jasper Alabama in July 2005

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: July 29, 2005 at 07:19

Circumstances: Deandre Brown, was last seen July 29, 2005 in Jasper, Alabama. Information indicated that Deandre was last seen driving his sisters car, a 1991 Honda Prelude. The car was found by Birmingham Police near Rickwood Field area and the vehicle had been completely burned.
First Name: Deandre Nativoni
Middle Name: Nativoni
Last Name: Brown


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 210.0


City: Jasper
State: Alabama
County: Walker


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Deandre has a tattoo
on his right arm 'Ahmari' written in cursive, a tattoo 'Gods Child'
with a cross on his upper left arm.

Piercings: Pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: White T-shirt, 'Tommy Hilfiger' blue jean shorts
Footwear: black 'Birkenstock' style leather sandals
Jewelry: Gold nugget style bracelet worn on left wrist, gold
ring with a yellow stone worn on left ring finger, gold ring with a gold
chip diamond on it worn on right ring finger, gold rope style necklace,
gold watch worn on left wrist.


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