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Ruth Purcell Dorsey Missing Person News and Details

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Ruth Purcell Dorsey Went Missing In Opelika Alabama in August 1974

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: August 17, 1974 at 07:07

Circumstances: Dorsey was last seen on August 17, 1974 in Opelika, Alabama. She visited the Spring Villa Grocery between 16.30 and 17.00 and got gasoline for her car, a 1972 Ford Galaxy. Dorsey told the gas station attendant that a relative had called her and she was going to pick the person up.

One of Dorsey's neighbors reported seeing her turn into her driveway at 18.00. She has not been seen since. She was reported missing after she failed to arrive at church the next day.

When authorities went to Dorsey's home on Route 1 in Opelika, they found the front door open and a side door unlocked. Laundry was hanging on the outside clothesline, Dorsey's Bible and Sunday School teaching materials were laid out on the table, and her bed did not appear to have been slept in. Her three dogs were found in the bathroom.

Dorsey's car was found in downtown Opelika near the First Baptist Church after her disappearance. The keys were in the ignition and her eyeglasses and purse were on the front seat. Nothing appeared to be missing from the purse and it contained $11 in cash. There have been no withdrawals from Dorsey's account since she disappeared.

First Name: Ruth Purcell
Middle Name: Purcell
Last Name: Dorsey


Age When Last Known Alive: 69
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 105.0


City: Opelika
State: Alabama
County: Lee


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Light Brown
Eye: Gray

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: flowered blouse and a long brown skirt or pants.


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