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Randolph James Sedlack Missing Person News and Details

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Erroneous Information ? The following Official Record of Randolph James Sedlack is being republished by under the Freedom of Information Act , Public Records Acts and many other Federal and State Laws.
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Randolph James Sedlack Went Missing In Blacksburg Virginia in November 1983

Facial/case ID

Actual photo

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Actual photo

Actual photo


Last seen alive: November 24, 1983 at 21:23

Circumstances: Note: Case is entered in Delaware, however individual is not missing from Delaware per say and never had actual residence in DE; last know location was Blacksburg, VA 11-24-1983. Reportedly was on a bus north-bound passing through MD, DE, NJ with final destination of NY

Randolph James Sedlack is not currently listed as a missing person with any law enforcement agency or in NCIC at this time.

Randolph James Sedlack diagnosed in 1983 as having severe mental disability, mental illness and schizophrenia.

Blacksburg, VA Police closed case in 11-15-1983 (no evidence of foul play).

There was a 1991 NCIC missing person entry from Keene, NH Police Department, which has since been deactivated (although individual was never located).

The FBI was contacted by this NamUs reporter 12/4/09 and it was requested that a missing persons report be filed in accordance with National Crime Information Center’s “Categories of individuals covered by the system”; C. Missing Persons: 1. A person of any age who is missing and who is under proven physical/mental disability or is senile, thereby subjecting that person or others to personal and immediate danger.

Police and OCME: please refer to uploaded document 'Additional Info Randolph J Sedlack – NamUs MP#4912.doc'.

First Name: Randolph James
Middle Name: James
Last Name: Sedlack


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0
Weight: 175.0 to


City: Blacksburg
State: Virginia
Zip: 24060
County: Montgomery


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Full head of hair. Light Brown to dirty blond in summer months.
Body Hair: Normal male
Facial Hair: Normal male
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Scars: 1/2” scar above left eyebrow, 1” long wide (not stitched) scar down center of left leg. Abrasive scars upper right arm, upper back from bicycle accident.
Build: Weightlifter. Developed muscular build of shoulders, chest and biceps.

No known tattoos or piercings.

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Glasses


Bus: There was a likely sighting of a person matching Sedlac

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