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Patrica Van Buskirk Missing Person News and Details

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Patrica Van Buskirk Went Missing In Oxnard California in April 1987


Last seen alive: April 27, 1987 at 17:53

Circumstances: I filed a report with Oxnard Police Dept over 15 years ago, they never did anything except going over to the house and talked to the husband, and the husband told them that she the wife took off in the night while he was sleeping and left her child behind which she wouldn't have done also she would have called me or my brother which she never did, he told the police that he put an ad in the paper that he wanted a Divorce from her so he could remarry, he put the ad in a month after she disappeared. My beleif is he killed her.
My name is Harold Van Buskirk I'm the one wrote this information to the best of my knowledge this is all true.
Phone no: 818-501-4046
I'm her brother and I've been searching for over 20 years it look's like I'll never find her before I kick the bucket.
If you don't help I can't do anymore.

First Name: Patrica
Last Name: Van Buskirk


Age When Last Known Alive: 54
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 67.0
Weight: 150.0 to


City: Oxnard
State: California
County: Ventura


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Full
Body Hair: none
Facial Hair: none
Eye: Blue

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