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Michael Bradyn Fuksa Went Missing In Olathe Kansas in July 2009

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: July 16, 2009

Circumstances: The Olathe, Kansas Police Department is seeking information on the whereabouts of a 22 year old Missing Adult, MICHAEL 'BRADYN' FUKSA. Bradyn was last seen in the Olathe, KS area on 07-15-09. The last known contact with Bradyn was on 07-16-09 when he had a flat tire on his 1996 maroon colored Ford Explorer south of Wheatland, Wyoming. Bradyn's vehicle was found abandoned later in the day on 07-16-09 along northbound Interstate 25 near mile marker 122 (north of Wheatland, near Douglas) in Converse County, Wyoming. There is no evidence of foul play but Bradyn's family is very concerned about his welfare. Bradyn may be in possession of a 9 mm handgun.

Bradyn is a white male, 6'04' tall and weighs approximately 185 lbs; he has an athletic and muscular build. Bradyn's brown hair was cut very short when he was last seen; his hair is curly when it gets longer. Bradyn's eyes are brown and he is likely wearing his oval shaped, wire rimmed glasses at this time. Bradyn has no known scars, marks, or tattoos. Bradyn typically wore a silver St. Michaels pendant on a leather cord necklace; he may be carrying a blue Nike bag.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Olathe Police Department at 913-971-7455, 913-971-6950 or the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.

First Name: Michael Bradyn
Middle Name: Bradyn
Last Name: Fuksa


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 76.0
Weight: 185.0


City: Olathe
State: Kansas
Zip: 66061
County: Johnson


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: His hair was buzz cut when he disappeared; if he has grown it out it will be curly.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: small scar from mole removal on his upper left arm

scar on forehead from mole/birthmark removal - hard to see as its in a wrinkle line

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: 'Eskimo Joe' T-shirt

Footwear: white K-Swiss tennis shoes

Jewelry: St. Michaels pendant on a leather cord necklace

Fosseil watch with an orange face and silver band

Eyewear: oval wire rimmed glasses
Accessories: Blue Nike gym bag


His vehicle, a maroon colored Ford Explorer, was recovered along NB I-25 south of Douglas, WY on 07-16-09.

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