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Shawn Eric Spencer Went Missing In Camdenton Missouri in April 2006

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Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: April 01, 2006 at 09:38

Circumstances: Shawn E. Spencer was last seen in April of 2006 by his mother in Camdenton. Shawn did not have a vehicle, but often walked or hitch hiked. He was known to pick up odd jobs or even panhandle for cash. It is possible that Shawn has a large dog with him- he was last seen with his dog, named Spencer.

Shawn avoids large crowds and prefers the outdoors. He will sleep on the beach or in the woods. Shawn prefers the company of his dog, and will put it's best interests before his own.

Shawn is known to wear solid colored clothing and hats- black, gray, navy blue, white. Lots of Hoodies, thermal shirts, long and short sleeved t-shirts, and jeans. Also 3/4 short/pants. Last seen wearing black Converse All Stars.

Although Shawn is quiet, he is not shy. His acne scars are difficult to hide, and he has an intense quality in his eyes that is also memorable.

Shawn has asthma so he typically carries an inhaler.
Shawn also smokes cigarettes.

First Name: Shawn Eric
Middle Name: Eric
Last Name: Spencer


Age When Last Known Alive: 27
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 130.0 to


City: Camdenton
State: Missouri
Zip: 65020
County: Camden


Hair: Sandy
Head Hair: dirty blonde hair
Body Hair: blonde
Facial Hair: blonde
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: noticeable acne scars on face and back
Tattoos: 1. black 8 ball with red alien behind it- 2 inches long, located on his shoulder blade
2. Jester with skull face on upper arm
3. mechanical parts made to look as if they are showing through the skin on his lower leg

Skeletal Information: had a broken collarbone as a child

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Wears solid colors, black, gray, navy blue, white.
Hoodies, sweats, etc.

Footwear: Last seen wearing black Converse All Stars
Jewelry: Doesn't typically wear jewelry
Accessories: Wears baseball type caps


Bus: has traveled on Greyhound in the past

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