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Deanna Michelle Merryfield Missing Person News and Details

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Deanna Michelle Merryfield Went Missing In Killeen Texas in July 1990

Actual photo

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Age progression


Last seen alive: July 22, 1990 at 03:30

Circumstances: Deanna and her grandmother stayed up late watching movies on the evening of July 21. After her grandmother went to bed, Merryfield sneaked out of the house and went to visit her twin sister, who lived with an uncle two and a half miles away at the Oak Springs Trailer Park on Dimple Street.

Merryfield's sister says Merryfield arrived at the trailer park at 3:30 a.m., riding in a brown vehicle driven by two men, one of whom may have been Hispanic. Merryfield knocked on the trailer window to wake her twin up and the two girls talked for awhile. Merryfield left with the men in their vehicle after her uncle woke up. She has never been heard from again.

First Name: Deanna Michelle
Middle Name: Michelle
Last Name: Merryfield


Age When Last Known Alive: 13
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0 to
Weight: 115.0 to


City: Killeen
State: Texas
County: Bell


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Deanna has a scar on her upper lip.
Tattoos: Deanna may have multiple tattoos, including her last name 'Merryfield' with an unknown date on her neck, a yellow rose and a the words 'Texas Born' on her back and a cross with lines on her ankle.
Skeletal Information: Deanna fractured her lower arm two or three years before her disappearance.

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Color: Brown
Deanna was last seen with two men, riding in a brown vehicle.

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