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Gregory Samuel Snyder Missing Person News and Details

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Gregory Samuel Snyder Went Missing In Selbyville Delaware in November 2000


Last seen alive: November 27, 2000 at 13:31

Circumstances: On Nov. 27, 2000 Tim Snyder contacted the state police about his brother, Gregory S. Snyder, who was missing. The police showed up at the family beach house in Keenwick, DE., three miles west of Fenwick Island to investigate. The police found no notes or papers to explain the whereabouts or time Mr. Gregory Snyder disappeared. The police did find a gun case in the bedroom with a magazine full of 9mm bullets. There was no gun found at the beach house. The neighbors said that they witnessed Mr. Gregory Snyder loading an ocean kayak on his truck a week ago, and returned without it. The family said that Mr. Gregory Snyder’s credit cards have been canceled three weeks prior, and he has no other ways to get money. The Brother, in an interview, stated that Mr. Gregory Snyder is very muscular and was certified as a scuba diver and instructor, and that Mr. Gregory Snyder can easily kayak from an Ocean City inlet to Indian River, which is approximately thirty miles. Interviewing friends and family suggests that Mr. Gregory Snyder was depressed and had suicidal intentions. Mr. Gregory Snyder’s vehicle was found on 136th St. and Ocean Front in Ocean City Maryland (just south of the Delaware southern border). Missing from the vehicle was Mr. Gregory Snyder, an ocean kayak and a 9mm handgun. There was no evidence of foul play found in the vehicle.
First Name: Gregory Samuel
Middle Name: Samuel
Last Name: Snyder


Age When Last Known Alive: 28
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 260.0 to


City: Selbyville
State: Delaware
Zip: 19975
County: Sussex


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Left or right thigh - white and red flag 1' x 3'
Other Distinctive: Large dime size mole on upper back

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Jeep
Vehicle Model: Grand Cherokee
Year: 1992
Vehicle Color: Black
Tag Number: WYD 889
Tag State: Pennsylvania
Vehicle was found in Ocean City Maryland. It was empty and showed no signs of foul play. The vehicle was searched and then given back to the family.

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