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Laurel Lea Rogers Missing Person News and Details

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Laurel Lea Rogers Went Missing In Port Orange Florida in February 2010

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Actual photo


Last seen alive: February 02, 2010 at 19:15

Circumstances: Laurel Rogers was last seen at her residence by her brother on 02/01/2010 at approximately 1720 hours. Brother went into the backyard and when he returned Laurel Rogers was gone. It is believed that Laurel Rogers was possibly picked up by one of her friends in from of the residence or left the residence on foot to be picked up at the local convenience store. Limited phone activity on the night of 02/01/2010 and a friend received a suspicious phone call from Laurel's cellphone on 02/02/2010 at 1843 hours at which point a suspicious male named 'Jamal' spoke to the friend. There has been no phone activity on the phone since this call and there has been no bank activity since 01/29/2010.
First Name: Laurel Lea
Middle Name: Lea
Last Name: Rogers


Age When Last Known Alive: 28
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 150.0 to


City: Port Orange
State: Florida
Zip: 32127
County: Volusia


Hair: Sandy
Head Hair: straight- to the middle of her back
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Scars on both of her wrists from a fall

Piercings: Ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: *Black, G Unit brand, hooded zip- up jacket with small 'G' multi colored designs on the front
*Purple short sleeve shirt with a white design over a gray or purple long sleeve shirt
*Light blue denim jeans

Footwear: *Black tennis shoes with white trim
Jewelry: * Gold rope necklace approximately 20' in length with 2 rings
Laurel wears multiple rings on her fingers

Eyewear: none
Accessories: Black, Nine West brand, purse with a silver trim purse has a magnetic snap closure on top


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