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Richard Edward Goodwin Missing Person News and Details

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Richard Edward Goodwin Went Missing In Henderson Nevada in October 2008


Facial/case ID

Actual photo


Last seen alive: October 23, 2008 at 13:24

Circumstances: Richard was last seen at his residence in the vicinity of the 2000 block of Trossachs St. in Henderson. He was employed for many years with the 'Nevada Department of Corrections' but had the day off on the date of his disappearance. His wife told Investigators she saw him getting into a newer model champagne colored vehicle with dark tinted windows that she did not recognize. It is not believed he took any belonging's with him and disappearance considered suspicious: Investigative Case # 08-21929 (Missing October 23,2008 From Henderson, NV. If seen please call Henderson, NV. Police Department.(702-267-4750)
First Name: Richard Edward
Middle Name: Edward
Last Name: Goodwin


Age When Last Known Alive: 45
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 190.0 to


City: Henderson
State: Nevada
Zip: 89044
County: Clark


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: hair is mostly a salt & pepper color-short hair-fullhead of hair
Body Hair: very little
Facial Hair: very little
Eye: Green

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: last was seen wearing Khaki shirt, blue shorts, white tennis shoes
Footwear: last seen wearing white tennis shoes
Jewelry: none
Eyewear: none
Accessories: none


Wife took vehicle with her to Pierre, South Dakota,57501
He left in an unknown vehicle..champagne color new model

Airline: none
Bus: none

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Recent Comments About This Profile
Mike Goodwin: Surely someone can come forward and give some detail about this man and the situation. Someone in Henderson, NV must know something about Rich. His dad, my brother, passed in mid 2009 and was in the process of searching for him. Please, someone comment on this. Any detail would help.
03 02, 2014 | 10:21
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