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Raymond Jan Fernandez Went Missing In Parumph Nevada in July 1986


Last seen alive: July 08, 1986 at 05:53

Circumstances: Unknown, last address I last saw him my brother around 1986 he left my home in ontario calif after leaving Chino institution for men to go to las vegas to see our mother he did make it there but was last seen from there by her at an unknown time aprox 2 mths 4 mths she cannot remember exactly.there was a non-violent family dispute and he was asked to leave and has not been seen since.
He was released from parole and able to travel freely but i never knew his correction institution number,he was in the company of Roy Neilson an ex con from UTAH.

First Name: Raymond Jan
Middle Name: Jan
Last Name: Fernandez


Age When Last Known Alive: 47
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Parumph
State: Nevada
County: Nye


Hair: Sandy
Head Hair: He is a tall good looking male with blond or yellow hair combed to the side usually well above the collar but he would let it hang down to cover his eyes.
Body Hair: He had very little body hair but at last sight he did have a nipple piercing and a chain that would connect from one or both nipples to his male anatomy I had never seen that but as my brother he described it in detail and at that time it was or sounded to painful to look at.
Facial Hair: He had very little body hair but at last sight he did have a nipple piercing and a chain that would connect from one or both nipples to his male anatomy I had never seen that but as my brother he described it in detail and at that time it was or sounded to painful to look at.
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: he did have tattoos one shoulder right i think was skull and crossbones
Piercings: as described above piercings on one or both nipples as well as his male anatomy,and i think one ear from which he wore a chain from ear to nipple to anatomy penis not balls(I apologize for graphic details).

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