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Chad Richard Kirkendall Missing Person News and Details

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Chad Richard Kirkendall Went Missing In Mendocino California in May 2004

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: May 29, 2004

Circumstances: Kirkendall was last seen 06/29/2004, when he borrowed a friend's vehicle to get his mail. The vehicle was later located in a rural area of the county. A witness advised that Kirkendall was acting erractic and was provided a ride to the town of Mendocino, where he was last seen.
First Name: Chad Richard
Middle Name: Richard
Last Name: Kirkendall


Age When Last Known Alive: 29
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0 to
Weight: 215.0 to


City: Mendocino
State: California
Zip: 95460
County: Mendocino


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Balding
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: '311' in green ink

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Red and white shorts. Gray 'Corona' short sleeved t-shirt.
Footwear: Barefoot


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